'“Have a Go” Podcasting at Bountiful Bideford Fun Palaces Event!

Ace Holds The Space turned up with a Podcasting kit at Bideford Library, Devon for an initiative created by Libraries Unlimited.

It was an opportunity for visitors to have a go at Podcasting and play with audio equipment. It was great fun! Thankyou to all who participated!

Here is a little podcast we put together from the event!

We are now offering workshops through Libraries Unlimited creating podcasts and creative audio sound bites open to 11- 14 year olds, potentially expanding to 18-24 as well as older adults in the future to support their Volunteer initiative.

If you are interested in learning Podcasting and what we call "‘Audioart” please do visit our Workshops page and get in contact


Bideford Culture, Heritage and Arts Group


Art Work Exeter - River Radio Initiative